Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Final Project Proposition

Got it! Before I chose my final project data, I had just learned that my family sold our house to the current renters in Ohio. My whole life I have moved (military - Coast Guard brat) but for a while I was too young to recall any of the reasons we lived in a state or country, and the specific county or city. Back to the people buying our house, I got thinking about why they wanted to buy the house, what was it about the neighborhood etc, and I did some searching. In Virginia, I have found dangerous dog listing (determined by the local court) data per county of Virginia. This is the map I am creating. I am counting, per county, the dangerous dogs that are listed in order to help homeowners, and maybe parents with young children, decide where they may choose to move in Virginia.

The data I gained is from Data Virginia, from, and seems legitimate in its data and covers all counties. Although a majority of the counties seem to have very few or no dangerous dogs, I feel that it would be very helpful and potentially reason for change of moving plans for homeowners. I have searched for maps of dangerous dogs in Virginia and no results came up, so I may be the first one to create this map!

This link is the website where I found the material for dangerous dogs:
This link is where the actual data is from:

I'm still contemplating between the types of maps, but I am going back and forth between choropleth or dot map. The data ranges from 0 to 42 dogs, and majority are 0, 1, 2, and 3 dogs per county. Thoughts?

I need a basic Virginia basemap, which I can possibly use from past labs.
The map below is a dangerous dog map based in Minneapolis. I could possibly do something like this as well, might be more visually enticing.

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