Thursday, October 30, 2014

Weekly Blog Post #8

Weekly blog post - isoline map. I went hiking at Bull Run Park on Saturday, and there they had an isoline map to read. I was laughing because my roommate couldn't read the map (just like Professor Hallden said in class, people have difficulty), but I figured it out and the way to climb up the mountain to a gorgeous view. Yay geography majors!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Lab 7

Proportional Symbol Map
Chinese Population Between 2008 and 2013 in Maryland Counties. Writing appears in both simplified Chinese characters and English.

Weekly Blog Post #5

Almost caught up!
This week's map was to find a choropleth map that we enjoyed. Here it is! I thought the color scheme was interesting. The colors were different, but I feel that they may have been too different to distinguish the different areas of world hunger clearly. The dark green, for me, indicated higher malnutrition, but that is not the case here.

Weekly Blog Post #4

Campus Map
When I saw the blog requirements, I thought of Ohio University. Both my sisters (one graduated last year, one's a sophomore there now) have attended the school, and it is gorgeous. This map I found was very interesting in the detail. They pinpointed different types of trees, clusters of trees, a structured river showcasing how it surrounds the campus. This map shows the roads and running paths around the river and through campus. Also, the neighborhoods of the campus are color coded. It makes the school seem more structured than a bunch of building being clustered together. I appreciate how the cartographer of this map placed each circle or cone representing trees in each specific spot on the map, that is time consuming!

Weekly Blog Post: #3

Weekly Post #3! Type!

I thought this was really interesting. I found this map of neighborhoods/areas of DC. I was intrigued by the size of type she used, and the shape. I don't know if I like it or not, but the different sizing of letters makes it pop and makes it engaging to interpret.

Weekly Blog Post #2

Sometimes, there is effort, even if it's not in its ideal form. Effort is coming through here by posting these blog posts late. So here goes!
Week 2: Projection
After studying the different types of projections, I was really intrigued by the pseudoconic
(heart shape) projection. I've never seen it before, and it seems somewhat realistic instead of the flat or cut-out styles of maps.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Weekly Blog Post #7

Proportional symbols don't always have to be circles. I dig the creativity.

Lab 6: Color!

Lab 6: Choropleth Color Map - Percentages of Bachelor Degrees Received Per State in the United States. I did my best to choose bright and distinguishable colors and create a clean and engaging map.
The differences between the map online and the map that was printed out was that the online image was not as bright as the one printed out. The ink is much more orange-y and has more of a macaroni and cheese appeal rather than a faded orange appearance online. I am satisfied with the distinction of colors and boundaries on both maps.  

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Weekly Blog Post #6

Weekly blog post #6
For some reason, I have severely struggled with posting weekly posts, and recognize that this may gravely affect my grade. Better start late than never, right? So here it is, week 6. I really enjoy this map. The color scheme is clean, but eye catching, and the shades really help recognizing the spectrum of lesser numbers to greater numbers.

Friday, October 10, 2014