Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Friday, December 5, 2014

Almost Done?!

Can it be? Is it true? Am I actually almost done with this class and final project?! Maybe. Haha, but this is what I have so far! I'm actually really proud with what I've done thus far. So all the data is there, the proportional symbols are in place, yes I still have to do scale, clean it up a bit, make some changes, not sure what to do quite yet with the text on the bottom, but this is the gist of it. Take a look?

On this map I have some paw prints outlined in black, and some not outlined at all. I think I like the bigger prints better outlines, but it's hard to see the smaller ones. Thoughts? Ways I can work with it?

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Final Lab Critique

Some idea with neon colors.

Final Lab Critique

Here it is, my final map in progress. The data is pretty simple, pretty straightforward, what we've been dealing with for most semesters. Thus, I really want to do something eye catching and creative in the design. I would like to make it catchy, intense, sharp. So my thoughts are going from neon to black and the contrast. However, I'm super open for suggestions! I think I would like my legend to be in dog paw prints, with the different colors for the different numbers of attacks, but I don't have a color scheme yet - nothing has caught my attention. Help!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Lab post #10 - Bivariate

I really enjoy this map and research. The color scheme is clean, and noticeably different in color shades. The sizes of houses are distinguishably different as well and stand out nicely against the shades of color. I wish the map was the greater focus of this flyer, but overall it was a job well done. 

Monday, November 17, 2014

LAB 10 let's try this again

Maybe this will work better - a little better, yeah. 1 inch represents 42 miles.


Lab 10 - last one!
I'm proud. I'm proud of how far I've come in this class, how much I've learned about cartography, and how much I've learned about time management (haha, but seriously, I've learned a lot). This map is a bivariate map, and I did my best to correlate with colors. I found out too late into the process that my data did not involve ALL the data of North Carolina counties, so I had to work with what I had. I'm happy with this map, and I hope you are pleased as well.

Peace out

So I've just looked at it online, and it's NOT what it looks like on illustrator. Um.... lemme look.